Distributed Patterns

  • see in (Cloud Design Patterns, n.d.)
  • distributed_patterns_1
  • distributed_patterns_2
  • see in (Richardson, 2019)
  • (Richardson, 2019) saga + aggregates + domain event (state changes) per aggregate
    • This is a way to manage data consistency across microservices in distributed transaction scenarios. A saga is a sequence of transactions that updates each service and publishes a message or event to trigger the next transaction step. If a step fails, the saga executes compensating transactions that counteract the preceding transactions.
    • semantic lock (transaction step is in PENDING state and is not yet committed) telling other transactions to wait.
    • pessimistic view
    • reread value
  • (Richardson, 2019) events and snapshot of events
  • (Richardson, 2019) API composition or Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
    • CQRS - Instead of DB and a separate search log that is periodically updated => Implement a query that needs data from several services by using events to maintain a read-only view that replicates data from the services
      • separate the write and read model and maintain the read with events from services
      • The command side modules and data model implement create, update, and delete operations (abbreviated CUD—for example, HTTP POSTs, PUTs, and DELETEs). The query-side modules and data model implement queries (such as HTTP GETs). The query side keeps its data model synchronized with the command-side data model by subscribing to the events published by the command side.
      • see (missing reference)
        • commands (writes) are aggregated Aggregator.handleCommand()
        • queries (reads)
        • Projector is responsible to project the write model into the read model Projecto.project(...)
        • may lead to additional complexity due to code duplication and having two models.
        • the example with CQRS + Events is a good one.
  • (Richardson, 2019) API Gateways
    • Examples of reactive abstractions for the JVM include the following:
      • Java 8 CompletableFutures
      • Project Reactor Monos
      • RxJava (Reactive Extensions for Java) Observables, created by Netflix specifically to solve this problem in its API gateway
      • Scala Futures
    • Another option is using GraphQL or with Netflix Falcor
  • (Richardson, 2019) Service mesh + sidecar


  • (Minkowski, n.d.)
  • Service Discovery - Clients need to find micro-services instances.
    • register/un-register services and their instances
    • client calls logical endpoint of a servies, and is then routed to an instance + load balancing
    • detect non-healthy instances
    • Client-Side routing: client communicates with Service-Discovery to find where to put the request.
    • Server-Side routing: Service-Discovery exposes a proxy for each service, where all requests are sent to, which send the request to a proper instance on behalf of the client.
  • Edge-Server - Expose only part of the services to the outside world, where all incoming request will go to.
    • Partial overlap with API Gateway.
    • Use OAuth2, API keys, etc to allow access.
  • Configuration Server - get complete picture of the configuration landscape, update one place only.
  • Centralized Log Analysis - get an overview of what is going on, find errors and get reports for the overall system.
  • Distributed tracing - correlation ID
  • Control loop - compare actual with desired state
    • Container orchestration scripts

Some Implementations

Pattern Implementation Replaced By
Discovery Service Netflix Eureka Netflix Eureka, Spring Cloud load balancer, Zookeeper
Client Side Load Balancer Netflix Ribbon Spring Cloud load balancer
Edge Server Netflix Zuul Spring Cloud Gateway (API Gateway) + Spring Security OAuth, K8S ingress resource
Circuit Breaker Netflix Hystrix Resilience4j
Centralized Configuration Spring Cloud Configuration Server, K8S config maps and secrets  
Distributed Tracing Spring Cloud Sleuth, Zipkin, Jaeger  
  • Sleuth adds Correlation IDs (or TraceID) and trancing data is send to Zipkin
  • ngrok for tunneling internet to K8S cluster
  • Itsio (combination of several tools, grafana, prometheus, Jaeger, kiali etc), as a separate container in the pod.


  • Cloud Design Patterns. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/patterns/
  • Minkowski, P. Piotr’s TechBlog. In Piotr’s TechBlog. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from https://piotrminkowski.com//
  • Richardson, C. (2019). Microservices patterns: with examples in Java. Manning Publications.