Books and Articles

  • Burns (2018) - Designing distributed systems
  • Burns, Hightower, Beda (2019) - Kubernetes: up and running
  • Butcher (2021) - Learning Helm
  • Chollet (2018) - Deep Learning with Python
  • Evans (2013) - The well-grounded Java developer
  • George (2011) - HBase : the definitive guide
  • Goetz (2006) - Java concurrency in practice
  • Gonzalez (2017) - Java 9 concurrency cookbook
  • Gonzalez (2016) - Mastering concurrency programming with Java 8
  • Gupta (2017) - Kubernetes for Java developers
  • Horstmann (2017) - Scala for the impatient
  • Hunt (2000) - The pragmatic programmer
  • Ibryam, Hub (2019) - Kubernetes Patterns
  • Kleppmann (2017) - Designing data-intensive applications
  • Krochmalski (2017) - Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers
  • Lewis (2015) - A guide to graph colouring
  • Lewis (2014) - Irresistible Apps
  • Linn (2014) - Functional programming patterns in Scala and Clojure
  • Martin (2009) - Clean code : a handbook of agile software craftsmanship
  • Matthew Skelton (2019) - Team Topologies
  • McConnell (2004) - Code complete
  • McDowell (2008) - Cracking the Coding Interview
  • McDowell (2013) - Cracking the PM interview
  • Moraes (2020) - Jakarta EE Cookbook, 2nd Edition
  • Narkhede (2017) - Kafka : the definitive guide
  • Newman (2015) - Building microservices
  • Petrov (2019) - Database internals
  • Pilone (2008) - Head first software development
  • Prokopec (2017) - Learning concurrent programming in Scala
  • Rashid (2016) - Make Your Own Neural Network
  • Richardson (2019) - Microservices patterns: with examples in Java
  • Sedgewick (2011) - Algorithms
  • Subramaniam (2011) - Programming concurrency on the JVM
  • Theron (2016) - Scala high performance programming
  • Tidwell (2011) - Designing interfaces
  • Tulach (2012) - Practical API design
  • Urma, Fusco, Mycroft (2015) - Java 8 in action : lambdas, streams, and functional-style programming
  • Wlaschin (2018) - Domain Modeling Made Functional
  • Xu (2017) - System Design Interview

Blogs and Vlogs

  • Oracle Linux Container Services for use with Kubernetes User’s Guide link
  • Cache replacement policies link
  • Entropy (Information Theory) link
  • Hazelcast Custom Serialization link
  • Direct Information link
  • (2017) - Comparing Spring AOP and AspectJ link
  • Cloud Design Patterns link
  • Azad (2015) - Calculus, better explained link
  • Bloch - How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters link
  • Braginsky, Hillel, Bortnikov - Accordion: HBase Breathes with In-Memory Compaction link
  • Chandrakant (2020) - CQRS and Event Sourcing in Java link
  • Dimiduk (2014) - HBase BlockCache 101 link
  • Dinesh (2018) - Kubernetes Best Practices link
  • Fatin - Scala Collections Tips and Tricks link
  • Fatin - Design Patterns in Scala link
  • Fedosov - Distributed systems cheat sheet link
  • Fowler - Event Sourcing link
  • Jenkov (2014) - Semaphores link
  • Juneau (2020) - Get started with concurrency in Jakarta EE link
  • Kilden-Pedersen (2016) - Enumerable Ways to Serialize in Hazelcast link
  • Leiva (2018) - The Kelly Criterion link
  • Leszko (2019) - Where Is My Cache? Architectural Patterns for Caching Microservices link
  • Marks - Optional - The Mother of All Bikesheds link
  • Minkowski - Piotr’s TechBlog link
  • Raol (2019) - The ABCs of Building IMDGs link
  • Richardson (2016) - Developing microservices with aggregates link
  • Rivers (2017) - Best Practices for Tracing and Debugging Microservices link
  • Schwarz (2020) - Scala 3 by example, part 2 link
  • Schwarz (2020) - Scala 3 by example, part 1 link
  • Servienti (2018) - Talk Session: All Our Aggregates Are Wrong link
  • Sinclair (2019) - Things I wish someone had explaind about functional programming link
  • Sinisa - Sinisa Blog link
  • Smith (2016) - Implicits and type classes in Scala link
  • Starmer - StatQuest! link
  • Sundararaju (2019) - Introduction to SPF4J link
  • Talbot (2015) - What are Bloom filters? link
  • Thompson (2011) - Mechanical Sympathy: Memory Barriers/Fences link
  • Venners (2009) - Scala’s Stackable Trait Pattern link
  • Willems (2019) - SQL Tutorial: How to write better queries link