Multiple RunUnits in Java

  • Compile the COBOL that you want to call. For procedural COBOL programs use the NOILSTATIC directive, which is the default. This enables any COBOL classes created to be included in a run unit.
  • Any COBOL program or CLASS with instance data/methods can be used with multiple run units providing you do not compile with the REENTRANT or ILSTATIC directives.

Use RunUnit

  • Either use the RunUnit.Call() method to call the COBOL class, or:
    • Make sure that any parameters are Java primitive data types.
    • Create an instance of the procedural COBOL program to be called.
    • Add the program instance to the new run unit, using the RunUnit.Add() method.
    • Invoke the program instance within the new run unit.
  • Use the StopRun() method to destroy the run unit when you have finished with it.
  • NOTE In OO COBOL programs in a mixed language environment, do not use static methods and data as they cause run-time errors.
  • NOTE Ensure that data access is synchronized, as the run units will be executing in different threads.
  • JavaEE Session Management

Monitor RunUnit with Mission Control and CTF

Run Unit routines