Serialization and In-Memory formats

Serialization Type (bytes) 1M PUT (ms) 1M GET (ms) Value Size (bytes)
Java Serializable 23780 40890 1230
DataSerializable 17913 20813 918
IdentifiedDataSerializable 18164 15937 878
Portable 19064 16695 901
Kryo 22204 19072 957
Jackson Smile 22055 23294 1184
  • While Hazelcast serializes a DataSerializable it writes the className first and when de-serializes it, className is used to instantiate the object using reflection. IdentifiedDataSerializable To avoid the reflection and long class names IdentifiedDataSerializable can be used instead of DataSerializable.
  • Portable is an advanced serialization that supports the following features:
    • Support multiversion for the same object type.
    • Fetching individual fields without having to rely on reflection
    • Querying and indexing support without de-serialization and/or reflection
  • !! This improves the query performance a lot. By query I mean Hazelcast Predicate API, where you can write a Predicate on the value and Hazelcast will distribute it to the cluster and return all the matched entries.
  • ByteArraySerializer or StreamSerializer allow separation of class and its serialization.
  • In Hazelcast there is a lot of control on the format that is used to store the value using the following 3 in-memory-formats:
    1. BINARY: the value is stored in serialized form.
    2. OBJECT: the value is not stored in a serialized form, but stored as a normal object instance.
    3. CACHED: this is a combination BINARY and OBJECT: the value always is stored in serialized form, but when it is needed, it cached in object form, so it doesn’t need to be deserialized when the object form is needed again.

Some config details

Caching Architectural Patterns

  • (Leszko, 2019)
  • patterns:
    • embedded
    • embdded-distributed
    • client-server (Generally used by Redis and Memcached. Hazelcast requires Kubernetes + Hazelcast Helm Chart)
    • sidecar
    • reverse proxy sidecar Patterns


  • Hazelcast Custom Serialization. Retrieved January 31, 2021, from
  • Kilden-Pedersen, N. (2016). Enumerable Ways to Serialize in Hazelcast. In
  • Leszko, R. (2019). Where Is My Cache? Architectural Patterns for Caching Microservices. In Hazelcast.
  • Raol, R. (2019). The ABCs of Building IMDGs. In Medium.